Ideal Gourmet


Rochecorbon, Indre-et-Loire (37)

Michelin Recompense Michelin Ideal Gourmet Recompense Michelin Ideal Gourmet
Bottin gourmand  
Gault Millau Recompense Toque Ideal Gourmet
Ideal Gourmet Gourmet Ideal Gourmet
Membre ideal gourmet

All inclusive with drinks
Tel : 00 33 (0)1 45 72 07 14

Restaurant Rochecorbon Domaine des Hautes Roches
Restaurant Rochecorbon Domaine des Hautes Roches

*This menu is only an example, it changes according to seasons and the market

Restaurant Rochecorbon Domaine des Hautes Roches

The menu below is only an example :

ideal gourmet - Domaine des Hautes Roches menu

Apéritif + Menu Dégustation + Dessert + Accord Mets et Vins + 1 Bouteille d’Eau minérale pour 2 + Café

A choice of drinks

4 main courses following each other…
Stuffed squid
Beetroots served warm and cold

Followed by…
Lobster candy
Carrot bisque, with ginger flavours

And then…
Jerusalem artichoke cream
Duck foie gras and ham
Some truffles

Piece of veal and veal sweetbread
Artichoke heart, ‘Canus’, and sauté in pepper


Breton shortbread, fruit candy, vaporous hazelnut,
Vanilla ice cream

(½ bottle per person)
The sommelier will organize the food and wine harmony
According to your wishes

Mineral water
(½ bottle per person)


The menu below is only an example, it changes according to seasons and the market.
Ideal gourmetIdeal gourmetIdeal gourmet