Ideal Gourmet


Nogaro en Armagnac, Gers (32)

Michelin Recompense Michelin Ideal Gourmet
Bottin gourmand  
Ideal Gourmet Gourmet Ideal Gourmet
Membre ideal gourmet

All inclusive with drinks
Tel : 00 33 (0)1 45 72 07 14

Restaurant Nogaro en Armagnac Solenca
Restaurant Nogaro en Armagnac Solenca

*This menu is only an example, it changes according to seasons and the market

Restaurant Nogaro en Armagnac Solenca

The menu below is only an example :

ideal gourmet – Solenca Tentation Menu

Apéritif + Entrée + Plat + Dessert + 1 Bouteille de vin pour 2 + 1 Bouteille d’Eau minérale pour 2 + Café

A glass of champagne with appetizers

Gers duck foie gras terrine
Lime and pickled onion jelly
Warm brioche bread

Main courses
Golden veal sweetbread and duck liver
with butter cream and sauté cep mushrooms


Ivory sphere, revisited mojito, Brulot

(½ bottle per person)
Haut de Selve, Bordeaux Graves

Mineral water
(½ bottle per person)


The menu below is only an example, it changes according to seasons and the market.
Ideal gourmetIdeal gourmetIdeal gourmet